Archivi tag: John Paul II


Where to start from? It is opportune, indeed inevitable, to start again from St. John Paul II. He has taken with one hand the Europe whole (including Russia) and the Jews with the other, without taking away the smiling gaze from Islam, despite the co-responsibility in the attempt to kill him and the hatred lavished by the minarets, and not only from those. Continua a leggere

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Francis, You are the Shepherd

Holiness, the Holy Word from the window is not enough any more, nor the silence, and even less the appeals to the Muslim brethren. None of these is any longer sufficient because rivers of blood are flowing and the voice if the Church goes unheeded where these human beings are dying, just as in the schools, in our parliaments, in homes, in workplaces, in all those numberless places in the world from which the Crucifix has been driven away just like the herd of sheep today scattered in the Iraqi desert. Continua a leggere

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